The Ridings

The Ridings of Yorkshire

 The Three Ridings of Yorkshire are the ancient division of the county, and the creation of the Norse period from which Yorkshire itself arose. Yorkshire, as the largest county in the United Kingdom, is most conveniently divided and the three ridings are the fundamental geographical and cultural divisions of the shire.

The three ridings surround the City of York, their boundaries meeting at the walls of the city: thus York within the walls is the only part of Yorkshire outside any of the ridings.

The three are:

  • The East Riding, the smallest and least hilly of the three, much of it in the plains extending from the north bank of the Humber and containing the seaport city of Hull;

  • The North Riding, extending from the Pennines to the North Sea, the most rural;

  • The West Riding the largest and most urbanised as its southern parts contain the great industrial cities of Yorkshire, the largest being Leeds and Sheffield though in its north it encompasses some of the finest of the Yorkshire Dales.

Each riding is divided into Wapentakes.

The name "Riding" is from the Old Norse Þriding or Þriðing, meaning a "thirding". The term "Thriding" survived into the Middle Ages.

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Even though I like to celebrate the history of the Yorkshire Ridings, for ease of access I will still be categorising my reviews using the current four regional boarders of Yorkshire.

Roaming the Ridings Logo

The Roaming the Ridings logo comprises of elements taken from each historic Riding coat of arms, combining them along with the established aesthetic born from my first Pub Guide, Within the Walls. 

As the Ridings surround the walls of York and York was my first home I thought it was rather apt to explore the rest of Yorkshire with this name now that I am based in Otley, West Yorkshire.