The Four Towers Challenge

Approximate Statistics:

  • Total Distance: 4 miles

  • City Walls Length: 2 miles

  • Recommended Start time 1:00pm

  • Walls close at dusk, anti-clockwise from Fishergate Postern. June and July at 9pm.

  • Sunset is around 9:40pm in June and July.

We also take up the challenge in memory of our good friend Andy Watson who started reviewing with us right back when we founded Within the Walls, which would eventually become Roaming the Ridings. Sadly after 30 years of battling against Kidney failure he passed away in 2012, we do the Four Towers Challenge close to his Birthday each year and raise a glass to him.

The opening times for the walls varies depending on the month, so if you plan to undertake the challenge at any other time it’s worth checking them out here:

York City Walls Opening Times.

Check our Facebook events page to see when the next Four Towers Challenge is taking place.


Since 2014 we have set out into York each Summer to take part in The Four Towers Challenge, a 8 venue pub tour which follows York’s City walls. Starting in the early afternoon and aiming to cover all our chosen pubs before the walls close at sunset.

Each pub is selected based upon its proximity to the City Walls and their access points. Each year we lay out a slightly different route to keep things interesting and allow us to visit different pubs.

Others are always welcome to take part with us throughout the day, but of course this challenge can be attempted at any time.

We do urge that you take it easy with sensible drinking and be careful not to fall off the walls!